Monday, August 25, 2008

Backup and Recovery Best Practices for Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Primary Category: IT - Storage
Short Description: To help you choose from among the available configuration options and backup and recovery procedures, HP has conducted extensive laboratory tests to determine best practices.
Long Description: This paper discusses those test results so that users can understand the options and the limitations of implementing backup and recovery using Linear Tape-Open (LTO) tape, disk-to-disk, and virtual tape devices. The audience for this paper is HP users in an enterprise environment currently running or planning to run SQL Server 2005.The paper discusses:
Best practice recommendations encompassing configuration, design, and deployment
Backup and recovery recommendations for the integration of Data Protector Software and Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Backup and recovery recommendations for the LTO tape, the disk-to-disk, and the virtual tape methodologies
The impact on database performance and throughput for each of the methodologies: LTO tape, disk-to-disk, and virtual tape
General recommendations for selecting which backup and recovery method to use
Supporting configuration recommendations for HP servers and for HP StorageWorks 8100 Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA8100) disk array
Recommendations for the use of parallel backup and restore operations, and the impact of multiple streams and device concurrency on overall backup performance
Publisher: Hewlett-Packard


1 comment:

  1. LTO or Linear Tape Open is a magnetic tape data media that was initiated and developed by IBM, Seagate and Hewlett-Packard in order to
    counter Sony’s AIT tape LTO Ultrium tape uses a single reel to maximize storage capacity and thus is better suited for archival use.
    So the LTO Tapes are the best option for backup storage, because Ultrium is very popular, very compatible to all.

    Some of the more popular LTO Ultrium tapes are: The 183800 and LTX100G LTO-1 tape The 183850, LTX200G and C7972A LTO-2 tape. The
    183900, LTX400G and C7973A LTO-3 tape The 183906 and 26592 LTO-4 tape.
